Top Notch:
Minority Report ($ 25,000,000)
Top Notch:
Minority Report ($ 25,000,000)
Ragz to Richez: Prior to prominence through the Top Gun, Cruise paid $ 75 thousand through Risky Business in 1983. The success of Top Gun makes his salary doubled to $ 3 million when accompanied by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. Through the film that made him meet with Nicole Kidman, Far and Away, Cruise enjoys a salary of $ 13 million. Cruise seems the main magnet made films that starred always scored box office, especially in Mission Impossible in 1996 which yields $ 70 million, including salary and participation. Coupled Steven Spielberg in Minority Report, an actor who is warm-warm with Katie Holmes was rewarded $ 25 million.
Worth the money? Absolutely. Moreover, now re-recruited Cruise Spielberg in the film that is predicted to score hits besr4 scale, War of the World. It seems Cruise's charm will still be long and not be replaced by young actors emerging.
- The Peak: MI 2 (2000) $ 215,409,889 (U.S.), $ 545.560 (Worldwide)
- Not to Brag: Losin 'it (1983) $ 1,247,141.
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